Here is another way to spend my weekend last week.Went for inti open water competition.Haha.Actually my job just to hang out and take it as a vacation.All the superstar were there and as for me>>>>mr karat<<< Well all together there are 10 strong team.Well we reach there around 7 n the morning and check in.At first i thought of hotel but>>>hotel change to hostel...damn...akekekeke...Get the chance to meet old friend that used to hang out together when we were once a team.Well well well...inti inti inti.Nothing special about it except for the food which delling pork compare to mmu + malay selling together with sial...wheather damn hot in the morning and damn cold during night...Beh tahan...
So there are nothing to do as competition start from morning till night...Gila sial.As for me,lepak,chill in the pool.Talk cock with some fellow in the pool,and thanks to others
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